I was pondering this morning, as I was lying in bed wishing for clear sinuses, how just one piece of the picture falling in to place can give you hope for the rest that is to come. I can't give too much detail right now - suffice to say that I got a bit of good news this morning (unexpectedly) that has given me something to look forward to and that will, hopefully, open up a number of bigger and better opportunities for me.
The last couple of months of 2010 brought a number of changes already - especially in my work situation and I can see that 2011 is going to bring many as well. I don't always cope well with change but thankfully, these are positive ones.
Uni starts in early March. That has already thrown me for a loop because it appears that there are no subjects available externally this semester. That means I am going to have excellent time management and trust my boss when he says we can negotiate my work hours. It's also brought to mind that I am going to need to brush up on some of my old study skills - including writing essays and referencing etc. The course is likely to have some challenging moments for me and I need to be able to LEARN. Not just new information, but new skills and new limitations (or at least acknowledging, accepting and working on those that already exist). However, I am excited about this opportunity and what it might mean for my future.
Friendships are going to be different this year. There are going to be new challenges to negotiate in terms of relationships and how to balance them all. I have learned in the past year exactly who I can rely on and that has been a huge blessing. But lives are not stagnant - things change, people change, mixes change. There are going to be babies born, houses bought and sold, decisions made that I have no control over, moves, shakes, laughter, tears. They all change the status quo - have an impact on how people relate to each other, the effort needed, the building of foundations and the renovations of structures already in place. This has already happened quite a bit in the past year but I just have a feeling that this year is going to be even bigger in terms of changes. Some are going to be fantastic and some are going to be quite difficult. I'm trusting my foundations and hoping for a new frontier for myself.
Geographically, it's likely that I will move house this year. The garden here is simply too big and neither of us are good at gardening. It's costing too much to have it kept up to standard and I'm just not a fan of the stress that causes (emotionally or financially). I'm hoping to find a place that is similar (or bigger) in house size but with a small, easy maintenance garden. It's likely that will cost a bit more in rent, but we're also considering adding another housemate to the mix, so that would help. I'm hoping to move a couple of suburbs further north. It's just easier in terms of getting to and from work - I'm tired of negotiating transfers on the bus and would prefer being on the route of a more frequent and direct service. Depending on where Cate is going to uni, that's going to be important for her too.
I would love to be able to plan another trip to Canada and the USA. I'm praying for my finances to be sorted out and for work opportunities to open up to make this a more realistic possibility.
Personally, I want to keep focussing on honesty - with myself and others. I want to know myself so that I can develop myself - and of course, that goes hand in hand with knowing God.
I really need to get my license - that falls in to the finances category too (and commitment and courage).
I'd also like to get these sinuses sorted out! Sheeshness :-P It's amazing how much sinus pain effects my concentration and mood. I've been on the waiting list for the ENT for well over 2 years and I'm ready for it to be sorted out. That frustration could be heightened at this particular point in time because I'm home from work today due to my sinuses. I got about 2 hours sleep last night (no exaggeration) and I'm just incredibly dizzy. My body is only wanting to sleep in fits and spurts and I can only assume that's because of my sinuses, as nothing else has changed recently.
That's all I can think of for now - nothing incredibly exciting or profound, just an acknowledgement of the new year, my hopes, and thought processes. Hope it finds you all happy and healthy.
Oh! Please be in prayer for my friends Jonathan and Bethany whose twin girls were delivered at 28 weeks. There are many challenges for such preemie babies and you can follow their story at http://iamknittogether.blogspot.com/ and/or http://jonathan-chu.blogspot.com/ Thanks!
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